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tag: ”blog:center for constitutional rights“
CCR Closes the E-Advocacy Loop With Holiday Video
Submitted Mon Dec 24 2007 10:56:34 GMT-0500 (EST)
Two weeks ago, the DIAtribe picked the brain of Owen Henkel at the Center for Constitutional Rights on the hit Send Bush a Copy of the Constitution action they've been running.
So, after everyone clicks-here-to-take-action, what happens? Did they actually deliver all the Constitutions?
Well ... sort of. Here's a wink-nod wrap to the action with a little virality of its own:
Smart Campaign Doubles CCR's List for Pennies
Submitted Mon Dec 10 2007 17:03:11 GMT-0500 (EST)
The DIA Salsa users at the Center for Constitutional Rights recently gave a great illustration of the power of smart targeting and messaging to balloon an online list ... paired, of course, with one smooth-handling e-advocacy tool.
I caught CCR's Owen Henkel on the way out the door to a well-deserved break to find out just how they cooked up the pitch-perfect Send Bush a Copy of the Constitution online action.
How did you come up with it? Were you looking specifically for something with virality, or did that follow the brilliance of the idea?
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Number One With a Bullet
Submitted Sat Oct 27 2007 20:55:35 GMT-0400 (EDT)
Two DIA groups rank among the "Ten Most Dangerous Organizations in America" as reckoned by Family Security Matters.
Congratulations to:
#8 CodePink (5-1, 3-1 Pac-10), "nothing more than a far- Left group of loony, hypocritical women."
#5 Center for American Progress (6-0, 4-0 Big East), doing "far less thinking than it does smearing and misleading" off its upset of the seventh-ranked ACLU.
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