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Salsa-powered petitions now available as widgets
Submitted Mon Mar 15 2010 20:31:00 GMT-0400 (EDT) by Jason Z.A few months ago, we were pleased to announce the petition tool powered by the Salsa toolset.
Last week, took it up a proverbial notch by making those petitions widget-ready at the click of a button.
Just bang one out and embed it as easily as ... well, as easily as this explanatory video.
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Six-Pack: An Interview With Brave New Films' Jim Gilliam
Submitted Wed Aug 15 2007 14:00:59 GMT-0400 (EDT)
I had the opportunity to "sit down with" -- read: e-mail -- Jim Gilliam of Brave New Films about the Fox Attacks campaign to hit the "news" channel where its advertisers are.
The campaign has taken blogistan by storm, which Brave New Films seems to have down to a science. So what's the magic behind the curtain?
Read on ...
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An E-Organizing (and Just Plain Organizing) Victory: Free Schuylkill River Park Frees Schuylkill River Park
Submitted Thu Apr 26 2007 15:19:28 GMT-0400 (EDT)
Congratulations to one of the earlier DIA users, Free Schuylkill River Park for doing just what their name avowed.
Every action by the group was meticulously explained on its site (, and "action alerts" were sent to its growing list of subscribers any time the group needed lobbying of City Council, CSX or the company's own customers to get behind pro-access initiatives. The response was so instant, the rebuttals so relentless, CSX just couldn't stay nimble.
E-xemplar: Distributed Event Action Lands Step It Up in Grey Lady
Submitted Wed Mar 14 2007 09:41:21 GMT-0400 (EDT)
Very nice piece in the New York Times today on Step It Up 2007's National Day of Climate Action Apr. 14 and the general attempt to get lawmakers to take climate change seriously.
Step It Up is currently the gargantuan Distributed Event in the DIA universe, closing in on 1,000 separate local actions a month out from the action. (There's a short description of what the Meetup-like tool does on this page.)
And the seamless blending of online components with in-the-flesh activities testifies to the capacity for creative activism to inspire passion and get big in a hurry:
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NTEN Seeking Online Success Stories for ABC News Piece
Submitted Tue Mar 13 2007 10:37:09 GMT-0400 (EDT)
Copied verbatim from a message NTEN E.D. Katrin Verclas posted to a listserv, and which has as I've been typing this become a blog entry of its own ... a very short-notice opportunity to share your online success story with the world.
I am seeking some very good stories from YOU for a piece on ABC News/vcast that will feature "technology for good' or how nonprofits are using tech to make the world a better place. Here is what I am looking for: Nonprofits are getting more and more savvy in using tech - and deploying techies who are doing good in the world. In April, more than 1,000 of these "Techies for Good" are coming to Washington DC.Read more (18 comments)
Session Notes: New Organizing Institute, Day 3
Submitted Fri Mar 09 2007 16:09:44 GMT-0500 (EST)
The sequel to Day One of these notes from the New Organizing Institute, with Day Two spent ill abed.
Greg Green, Blue State Digital
Difference between CRM & CMS Use CRM to track and contact campaign's supporter Use CMS to edit web site w/o a lot of updating Handy for 1. when there are a lot of people on the campaign updating things 2. when there are people in different locations who all need to access/update data 3. essential if there's a pretty large database of people you're contacting regularly and trying to track (e.g., you want to make sure you don't ask for money the day after they gave...)Read more (165 comments)
Session Notes: New Organizing Institute, Day 1
Submitted Wed Mar 07 2007 19:12:52 GMT-0500 (EST)
They're not pretty, but they're breathy with the immediacy of being there -- the New Organizing Institute training, to be exact.
Oh, and Item! What prominent e-politics blogger actually takes his notes longhand? We won't tell, but he's ... ah, the devil, it's Colin at e.politics.
The completeness, precision and comprehensibility of these notes are not warrantied.
Morning session: Madeleine Stanionis, "Raising $$$ and Activating Supporters with Email"
Computer being obnoxious so parentheticals following are ex post facto recollections of an excellent presentation.Read more (143 comments)
Online Strategies in the 2006 Election
Submitted Fri Dec 01 2006 16:59:30 GMT-0500 (EST)
Video from the Center for American Progress' packed-house panel retrospective on "Online Strategies in the 2006 Election" is now available on the Center's site.
Need a teaser? Colin Delany has a wrap from the session on the nascence of the Macaca video.