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May 4 Salsa Marketplace Webinar: Activate Supporters with Groundcrew

by Jason Z.

We're closing in on the official launch of the Salsa Marketplace, a bustling souk of apps that connect to and extend Salsa in various different ways. In fact, we've already told you in this space about Flimp email videos.

This afternoon (Tuesday, May 4), you have the opportunity to learn about a new Salsa-integrated application that coordinates your people in real-time to accomplish things in the real world: Groundcrew.

This Marketplace mobile-organizing app lets your organization handle Salsa-managed supporters with text messaging, iPhone, Twitter, and location tracking. And you can get all your questions about it answered at the webinar today Tuesday, May 4, from 4 to 5 p.m. Eastern.

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Into the Twittersphere!

by Jason Z.

Although in fairness, you could say much the same of blogging.

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My Day with the Marketers

Last week, I went to the New Media Marketing Conference offered by DMAW. My reason for going was that I wanted to see what for-profit's were doing with marketing in the days of web 2.0 goodness. Fear not, nonprofits; they're trying to figure out what we've been up to for the last few years. Most of the conference was about the basics of "new media". Should you have a blog? Answer: probably. The most rousing contribution came from CC Chapman*, who delved into just how wide the reach of digital media is for for-profit companies. People are blogging, posting, Twittering, and Facebooking about YOUR company. Angry is better than silent, so pay attention.

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