Salsa Scoop> tag: ”commons_page:brag“

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act Signed

by Jason Z.

President Obama this morning signed into law the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, correcting a Supreme Court ruling that essentially stripped victims of pay discrimination of any access to redress.

This victory for working people is also a victory for Moms Rising, one of the most nimble and effective organizations in the Salsa user community (anyone at last June's user conference probably remembers their presentations).  MomsRising has worked this legislation hard over the past two years, including one of the coolest twists on write-your-rep that we've seen:  when Sen. John McCain opined that underpaid women needed more education, MomsRising answered with a "send McCain your resume" action that inundated him with thousands of C.V.s. (Followed up with another supporting e-action for the day the resumes were delivered in person.)

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Buffalo Field Campaign talks Salsa

Dan Brister, Project Director of the Buffalo Field Campaign, talks about how he hopes Salsa will mobilize grassroots support around the protection of Yellowstone's last wild buffalo.

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Wired for Change makes the Washington Post!

by Charles Lenchner

Our friends over at Wired for Change were mentioned in the Washington Post on Monday. The article, "Liberal Bloggers Brace for Victory," covered the left-wing blogosphere and the 2008 election. Here's a snippet:

 This past weekend, those same types showed up, plus tech firms such as
Wired for Change, hawking an online product called Salsa that helps
groups engage people through e-mail lists. There's no denying that the
gathering has crossed the mainstream threshold when swag bags, complete
with El Sabroso Salsita salsa chips, were handed out alongside condoms
from the Center for Constitutional Rights.

Congrats, WFC! You can read the whole article at

And also check out this video, sent our way by Jim Walsh:

NetrootsNation - 6 Austin, Texas

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Talking Tech, Talking Change: DIA users meetup in LA

by Kip Williams

Last week, David and I closed up the San Francisco office and headed down to LA. On Friday, we met up with organizers who are using Salsa and held the first ever DIA SoCal Users Forum.

We started the agenda with a demo of the new Actions 2.0 tool, and then folks shared questions and stories from their own adventures in online organizing.

Check out this video from the day.

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Happy Birthday, Roe

Choice USA, and DIA is pleased to host their e-advocacy platform, put out a call for supporters' video submissions on the importance of Roe v. Wade, whose 35th anniversary is today. Here's the result Choice USA released today:

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CCR Closes the E-Advocacy Loop With Holiday Video

Two weeks ago, the DIAtribe picked the brain of Owen Henkel at the Center for Constitutional Rights on the hit Send Bush a Copy of the Constitution action they've been running. So, after everyone clicks-here-to-take-action, what happens? Did they actually deliver all the Constitutions? Well ... sort of. Here's a wink-nod wrap to the action with a little virality of its own:

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Smart Campaign Doubles CCR's List for Pennies

The DIA Salsa users at the Center for Constitutional Rights recently gave a great illustration of the power of smart targeting and messaging to balloon an online list ... paired, of course, with one smooth-handling e-advocacy tool. I caught CCR's Owen Henkel on the way out the door to a well-deserved break to find out just how they cooked up the pitch-perfect Send Bush a Copy of the Constitution online action. How did you come up with it? Were you looking specifically for something with virality, or did that follow the brilliance of the idea?

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The Progressives Guide to Holiday Gift-Giving

Once again, we've assembled an assortment of gift-giving options that span the gamut of DIA's members and their respective causes. There are many awesome gifts available through our community that you can feel good about giving. The gift-giving ideas are seperated into easy-to-navigate categories. Make sure to visit them all!

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