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2010 Salsa Community Conference

by Jason Z.

If you're reading this, there's a good chance you're among the several hundred we saw at the 2010 Salsa Community Conference in Washington DC.

Salsa Conference Geek Lab tech support
Salsa Labs Organizers get under the hood with a few users. Click here for dozens more photographs from the conference.

If you did make it, we thank you!

Hopefully, you soaked as much learning and enjoyment out of the two days as we did. We're continually amazed by our community of users and partners, but there's nothing like having them all in a room together, and enjoyed case studies, best practices, margaritas, and highlights like ...

Can you help us make the next conference even better by sharing your feedback?

We're in the process of gathering up video, presentations, and other resources shared at the conference so the whole Salsa community can benefit from them.

Just a little nibble: a few of the slide decks have already made their way to our Slideshare account, like this popular presentation on the sausage-making of email delivery and what campaign managers can do to maximize the number of messages that hit their supporters' inboxes.