Be a Voice for Kids!


Urge Congress to lift caps on funding for children's programs

Tell congress ENOUGH with the sequester caps on non-discretionary funding that have dramatically limited investment in the programs that support children and their families.

STOP placing the disproportionate burden for our country’s deficit reduction on the backs of our most vulnerable... CHILDREN.

During the August recess, call, send an email, Tweet, or Facebook your Members of Congress.

Call your Members of Congress in their district offices. Click here to find contact information for your Senators and Representative. Be sure to ask to be connected to their district office, as that is where they will be during the August recess. Use the talking points below to help shape your message.

  • As your constituent, I urge you to take a hard look at how Congress is choosing to control spending – on the backs of our youngest and most vulnerable. In real dollars, discretionary funding for early care and learning programs has remained stagnant for 10 years.
  • While we know that high quality early childhood programs help give families and children the ingredients for a strong start in life, the funding caps on non-defense discretionary spending (NDD) are preventing thousands of young children from accessing these critical supports.
  • I urge you to lift the NDD caps and provide greater investments in the Child Care and Development Block Grant, Early Head Start, and Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
  • Remember to thank them for their time.

Connect on social media. Use these sample tweets and Facebook post to raise awareness on social media and encourage others to take action. You can target your posts directly at your Members of Congress. Click to find the Twitter handles for your Senators and Representative. Be sure to include the graphics!


Congress #LiftTheCaps and increase investments in programs that support vulnerable children and families.

Posted by Advocates for Children of New Jersey on Thursday, August 6, 2015

Send a message to your congressional representatives now!

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