Be a Voice for Kids!


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Wed, Oct 26, 2011
8:30 AM - 12:00 PM

A Conversation on Education Reform

Want to know five big ideas for public education?

Education reform is a hot topic in New Jersey. As it should be. The education of our children should be a top priority.

To help inform this debate, Advocates for Children of New Jersey is hosting a conversation with nationally-recognized education policy expert David Kirp.

All attendees will receive a free copy of Kirp’s latest book, Kids First: Five Big Ideas For Transforming Children's Lives and America's Future. The event kicks off with a book signing at 8:30 a.m., with Kirk’s presentation beginning promptly at 9 a.m.

Kirp will discuss these five big ideas, which span critical areas of child well-being that directly impact a child’s academic success. A panel discussion and conversation with the audience will follow.

Read David Kirp’s Bio

Event Location

Kenilworth Inn
60 S. 31st Street
Kenilworth, NJ 07033


Exit 138 off the Garden State Parkway