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November 2011 E-news ACNJ Advances Efforts to Build Quality KindergartensKindergarten is the linchpin between a child’s quality preschool experience and early elementary grades. To provide information and supports to school administrators responsible for kindergarten programs, ACNJ and its partners -- the NJ Department of Education, the NJ Principals and Supervisors Association and Brookdale Community College -- held its 3rd Annual PreK-3rd Leadership Conference on Oct. 28th. More than 150 educators and stakeholders came to learn about quality kindergarten practices in New Jersey and across the nation. ACNJ Report: Preschools, Public Schools Must Work TogetherACNJ just released a report that details the importance of preschools and public schools working together to create links between a child’s preschool experience and the early elementary years. The policy brief outlines the importance of collaboration among school districts and child care centers, preschools, Head Start centers and other settings that provide care and learning to future students. Paterson Kids Count Release Set for Nov. 30ACNJ, in partnership with the Paterson Alliance, will release the first-ever Paterson Kids Count on Nov. 30 at the Brownstone in Paterson. This free event will feature a full line-up of speakers, as well as the results of Paterson Kids Count 2011, which paints a profile of child well-being in one of New Jersey’s largest cities. The Alliance plans to use the data to formulate an action plan to improve outcomes for Paterson children. Elections Next Week! ACNJ Releases 3rd Grade Reading Scores by DistrictOn Tuesday, Nov. 8, voters will go to the polls to elect their representations in the state Legislature. ACNJ’s What About the Kids Campaign concludes with legislative fact sheets that show the percentage of children who pass 3rd grade reading tests. Statewide, just 60 percent of 3rd graders read proficiently. Find out how 3rd graders fare in your legislative district. ACNJ’s Conversation on Education Focuses on Supports Outside School.We had a nice turnout for our conversation on education reform. Author David Kirp presented his five big ideas for helping children achieve school success -- parent support, mentoring, preschool, school-based health clinics and children’s savings accounts. Panelists discussed NJ’s efforts in these areas and how links can be made to better support children and families. School Breakfast Report Garners ResponseIn response to ACNJ’s recent school breakfast report, advocates around the state are beginning to promote innovative approaches to school breakfast in their local school districts. Officials from Salem County, for example, have formed a steering committee to address several key issues, including school breakfast. Middlesex County Human Services officials met with superintendents to advance the idea. And, other groups have also expressed interest in making school breakfast a top priority in their area. Please give to ACNJ’s Annual AppealACNJ is a non-profit, non-partisan organization. We accept no government funding for our advocacy efforts, freeing us to focus solely on the children. We cannot do this work without the generous support of people like you, people who care about our children’s future. Each year, we ask our supporters to make a tax-deductible donation to bolster this important work. We know times are tough, but hope you will be able to contribute even a small amount to improve the well-being of children across New Jersey. |
In This IssueConnecting PreK to KindergartenPaterson Kids Count Release SetElections Next Week!Education Forum Focuses on SupportsSchool Breakfast Efforts Heat UpACNJ’s Annual Appeal |
Advocates for Children of New Jersey |