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March 2012 E-news Director's Message: Make Young Children a Budget PriorityBy Cecilia Zalkind It’s that time of year again – budget season. The annual spending plan says a lot about the state’s priorities when it comes to children and families. Like most years, this year’s budget proposal, which is now under legislative review, brings some good news – and some areas that fall short. ACNJ Testitifies on Child Care, Preschool FundingThe proposed state budget for Fiscal Year 2013 continues cuts to child care for preschoolers and fails to address other early care and education needs. ACNJ urges legislators to boost investments in child care and preschool at today’s budget hearing. Find dates and locations for budget hearings. Join Us for the Kids Count ReleaseKids Count: The State of Our Children 2012 will be released on April 24 at 10:30 a.m. at the Trenton Marriott. This annual report provides a statewide profile of child well-being in critical areas, including health, education, child protection and family economic success. A special forum on the proposed state budget will follow the report release. Find out how NJ children are faring and learn more about the budget’s impact on children and families. Report: Kids in High-Poverty Neighborhoods Suffer DisproportionatelyChildren growing up in high-poverty neighborhoods experience greater challenges in nearly every aspect of their lives, from education to their chances for economic success as adults. This new report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation examines the issue and provides Jersey-specific data. Celebrating School Breakfast WeekStates across the nation celebrate school breakfast this week, highlighting the need for increased participation in this federal child nutrition program. New Jersey ranks 48th for participation, but several districts are now stepping up to provide classroom breakfast and other effective ways of serving breakfast after the first bell rings. Got Great Kid Pics?ACNJ is looking for a few good pictures to showcase in this year’s New Jersey Kids Count Report, scheduled for release on April 24. If you have pictures you’d like to share, please complete our photo release form, fax to (973) 643-3876 and e-mail j-pegs of the pictures to If your photo is selected, your organization will receive credit in the Kids Count report. Deadline is March 23. |
In This IssueACNJ Director MessageState Budget TestimonyNJ Kids Count Due April 24Poverty's Affect on KidsCelebrating School Breakfast WeekGot Great Pics? |
Advocates for Children of New Jersey |