Dear Supporter,
On Monday, the Assembly Budget Committee will hear testimony from Acting Commissioner Christopher Cerf. We’re asking early learning leaders like you to e-mail legislators to question the Commissioner about two critical preschool issues.
These issues are:
Funding to expand preschool
In the last 10 years, NJ has lost ground in ensuring that all at-risk children have access to quality preschool. The State of Preschool 2011: State Preschool Yearbook dropped NJ’s rank for providing 4-year-olds with preschool from 9th in 2003 to 16th in 2011. During this time, other states have pulled ahead of New Jersey.
Ensuring adequate funding for existing state preschool programs
With decreased funding for before- and after-care (wraparound) from the Department of Human Services, community preschools cannot meet the full costs of high-quality preschool for children. With the majority of 3- and 4- year olds attending state-supported community preschools, the viability of these preschools are critical to providing high-quality preschool to low-income children.
Send a message to the Assembly Budget Committee today, urging them to raise these critical issues. It takes just a minute to speak up on behalf of New Jersey’s children and the early learning community.
Send your message today.
Cecilia Zalkind
Executive Director