Dear Supporter:
Again, thanks so much to those who completed the NJ School Breakfast survey – and please accept our apologies for the duplicate e-mails.
If you have not yet completed this very brief survey, this is your last chance to help feed hungry school children. The survey closes May 25!
Please complete the survey now.
As you know, a coalition of advocates is working with the NJ Departments of Agriculture, Education and Health to increase school breakfast participation. Your input will help direct those efforts so that we have the greatest impact on the thousands of NJ children who need this nutritious start to their school day.
We want to hear from you even if you do not serve breakfast in your district.
Please take a minute to complete the survey.
Thank you for your help in feeding hungry school children.
Cecilia Zalkind
Executive Director
Advocates for Children of New Jersey
Learn more about the
Food For Thought
School Breakfast Campaign