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Dear Supporter:

You are cordially invited to attend the North Jersey Region 2 Kids Count Forum, aimed at helping county leaders and service providers use the Kids Count data to improve their response to emerging child-related issues in specific counties.

This free event will focus on Bergen, Hudson, Passaic Counties.

North Jersey Region 2 Kids Count Forum
Bergen County Community College
Technology Education Center, Room 128 D
400 Paramus Road, Paramus, NJ  07652
June, 04 2013
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

At the forum, you will learn more about current trends of child well-being in your county and those in neighboring counties. You’ll discover how to use data to identify and address problems facing children and families in your county.

Space for each county is limited. Register online today!

We look forward to seeing you then. If you have any questions contact Reggie Dorsey at 973-643-3876 or rdorsey@acnj.org.


Cecilia Zalkind
Executive Director

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Advocates for Children of New Jersey relies on the generous contributions of individuals, corporations and foundations to support our work.

Advocates for Children of New Jersey
 35 Halsey Street 2nd Floor, Newark, NJ 07102
(Between Bleeker St. and Central Ave.)
973.643.3876 I Fax 973.643.9153 I www.acnj.org 
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