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August 2013 Take the School Breakfast Challenge!There is still time to register for the School Breakfast Challenge. Three districts in North Jersey and three in South Jersey with the highest increases in student participation in school breakfast will win: Aug. 29 Webinar to Help Boost Student Participation in School MealsGear up for the new school year and learn what you can do as an advocate, school administrator, or school nutrition director to increase participation in the school nutrition programs. This webinar will feature effective strategies for the new school year to improve access for Limited English Proficient families, offer universal free meals, and implement alternative breakfast service models. Hold the Date!On Oct. 1, 2013, Advocates for Children of New Jersey will release its 3rd Annual School Breakfast Report. Find out how your district compares, and ways to increase school breakfast participation. The event will be held in Edison Public Schools, which now serve breakfast after the bell to most of its students. More details to come.. |
In This IssueTake the school breakfast challenge! Webinar to boost school breakfast participation Hold the date for ACNJ school breakfast report The Food for Thought School Breakfast Campaign is a partnership of state agencies, child advocates, anti-hunger coalitions, statewide education organizations and national organizations. |
Advocates for Children of New Jersey |