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ACNJ eBlast

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Dear Supporter,

This Tuesday, Oct. 15, the two candidates for NJ governor – Chris Christie and Barbara Buono – will face off for their second debate. ACNJ is hosting a “Tweet for Preschool Day” before and during the debate to send messages directly to the candidates. The goal is to draw attention to the need to expand early education for NJ kids and to make preschool part of the election conversation.

It’s really easy. On Tuesday morning, we will send you a link to a web page with Twitter posts. All you have to do is click the posts you like and they will be automatically posted to your Twitter feed. It’s that simple!

If you don’t have a Twitter account, it’s easy to create one. Just go to Twitter.com and follow the prompts. Please invite your friends and colleagues to participate in our Tweet for Preschool. It literally takes just a minute to make a difference for kids.


Cecilia Zalkind
Executive Director

Advocates for Children of New Jersey
 35 Halsey Street 2nd Floor, Newark, NJ 07102
(Between Bleeker St. and Central Ave.)
973.643.3876 I Fax 973.643.9153 I www.acnj.org 
Questions about this communication can be directed  to Communications Director.
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