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December 2013 Bayonne Reaps Benefits of Breakfast After the BellBayonne students are concentrating better and learning more, thanks to the district’s move to breakfast after the bell, according to district Business Administrator Leo Smith, who calls the program a huge success. In addition to overall improved attentiveness, Smith said tardiness and absenteeism have decreased dramatically since the program was introduced. This is great for kids, teachers, parents and the entire school community. Kudos to Bayonne for meeting the school breakfast challenge! Principals embrace classroom breakfastA new report by the Food Research and Action Center and The National Association of Elementary School Principals Foundation finds principals embracing classroom breakfast as the best way to increase the number of students starting the day with school breakfast. According to the report, more than three in four principals would encourage their peers to consider this program. Many principals reported reduced student hunger, fewer tardy students, improved student attentiveness and a better school and classroom environment. USDA updates school breakfast toolkitThe Food & Nutrition Services has updated its toolkit with new resources to assist program operators or other stakeholders with expanding their school breakfast programs. This toolkit is designed for school food service directors and others who have an interest in establishing or increasing access to school breakfast at their schools. It helps to determine which type of meal service is best suited to a school’s needs, calculate operation costs, develop menus and a marketing plan that will generate buy-in among school staff and the community, and encourage student participation. Pinnacle Food Service Offers GrantsThe Breakfast Building Grants Program helps schools increase student breakfast participation by providing supplemental funding to support or enhance an existing program or jump-start a new program. Grants of up to $1,000 will be awarded on a rolling basis. |
In This Issue
The Food for Thought School Breakfast Campaign is a partnership of state agencies, child advocates, anti-hunger coalitions, statewide education organizations and national organizations. |
Advocates for Children of New Jersey |