Dear Supporter,
There are still some seats left for the release of ACNJ’s special report, Heading off Hunger: A Snapshot of Child Nutrition in Newark, on June 24 at 10 a.m. Special guest Newark Mayor-Elect Ras Baraka, along with city and state leaders, will be featured at this free event.
Register online now. Space is limited.
This special report, produced by Advocates for Children of New Jersey, with support from the NJ Partnership for Healthy Kids and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, explores the nutritional needs of children in New Jersey’s largest cities. It identifies available supports and makes recommendations to improve the nutritional and physical health of Newark children.
Following presentation of the report findings, a panel discussion will focus on ways Newark’s leaders and nutritional experts can coordinate efforts to accomplish this goal. Panel members include:
- Luisa DeMarchena, deputy director, Newark Public Schools
- Elizabeth Reynoso, food policy director, City of Newark
- Diane Riley, director of advocacy, Community FoodBank of New Jersey
- Essex County Executive Joseph DiVincenzo (invited)
- Jasmine Hall Ratliff, program officer, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Please register today.
Cecilia Zalkind
Executive Director