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May 12, 2016
Dear Supporter, Join ACNJ for the release of this year’s Kids Count reports, featuring new state and county data and county rankings. We will discuss key trends in child well-being – areas where progress is being made and issues that require more focused attention. New Jersey Kids Count provides a picture of the state of child well-being in New Jersey by tracking trends in critical areas, including child poverty, health, education, child protection and juvenile justice. The reliable and timely information in the report is widely used across the state to better inform stakeholders as important decisions are made about the state’s priorities and the needs of children and families. We look forward to seeing you on June 6th. Register now. You can be a part of developing the Children’s Platform for 2017. Register for one of our regional forums. Let's make sure children are a priority. Sincerely, Cecilia Zalkind |