The New Jersey Senate Education Committee unanimously approved a measure that will dedicate state dollars to feed children facing hunger, while bringing more federal dollars back to New Jersey.
Under the bill, S-2819, the Nourishing Young Minds Initiative Fund would defray the costs of effectively implementing the federal school breakfast and summer meals programs in high-poverty communities, helping to increase the number of low-income children receiving these meals. Because towns are reimbursed based on the number of meals served, this would bring more federal dollars into New Jersey communities to feed hungry kids.
ACNJ President & CEO Cecilia Zalkind, along with partners from the New Jersey Food for Thought Campaign, testified in support of the measure, which now heads to the Senate Budget Committee for consideration.
Please stay tuned for opportunities to send messages to our state lawmakers to support this bill.
Senator Stephen M. Sweeney:
(856) 251-9801 or (856) 339-0808
Senator M. Teresa Ruiz:
(973) 484-1000
Senator Raymond J. Lesniak:
(908) 624-0880
Let's thank Sen. Sweeny, Sen. Ruiz, and Sen. Lesniak for sponoring this bill that will dedicate state dollars to feed children facing hunger, while bringing more federal dollars back to New Jersey. Call them today.
Read the legislation.