Fund to feed kids advancing in state Legislature
Two Legislative committees have approved a bill that will dedicate state dollars to feed children facing hunger, while bringing more federal dollars back to New Jersey.
Under the bill, S-2819/A-4363, the Nourishing Young Minds Initiative Fund would defray the costs of effectively implementing the federal school breakfast and summer meals programs in high-poverty communities, helping to increase the number of low-income children receiving these meals. Because towns are reimbursed based on the number of meals served, this would bring more federal dollars into New Jersey communities to feed hungry kids.
We will keep you informed of their progress.
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ACNJ testified on behalf of children in January
Protecting young children in child care.
On January 19th, hearings were held on A4262/S651, which will require family day care providers and certain family members to undergo criminal history record background checks. ACNJ testified in support of this common-sense bill and it was unanimously voted out of the Assembly Women and Children Committee. Next stop: Assembly Appropriations….
Funding preschool.
Testifying before the Assembly Education Committee, ACNJ President, Cecilia Zalkind, urged the state to make preschool a higher priority by ensuring that young children throughout the state have or continue to have access to quality preschool experiences. As Ms. Zalkind made clear, preschool aid is already an important piece of our state’s education funding law and has shown enormous impact on helping kids succeed. The state must commit to protecting and strengthening New Jersey's nationally recognized high-quality preschool program.
First Summer Meals Strategy Session
The New Jersey Food for Thought Campaign, Advocates for Children of New Jersey and the New Jersey Anti-Hunger Coalition hosted their first Summer Meals Strategy Session with several North Jersey communities who came together to explore how to expand summer meals to more children. Ideas ranged from more aggressive outreach to children and families, including kick off events, to crafting contract language in a way that improves the quality of meals served. The campaign hopes to hold more roundtables on both summer meals and school breakfast. If you are interested in participating, please email Reginald Dorsey at