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Advocates for Children of New Jersey


Dear Supporter,

We look forward to seeing you on Monday, May 22nd for the release of our annual New Jersey Kids Count report.  We are very excited that five (maybe six) of the NJ gubernatorial candidates will be there to answer questions on where they stand on kids' issues.

Registration starts at 10:30 a.m. The program will begin promptly at 10:45 a.m. to give all candidates time to speak and respond to audience questions. Plan to arrive early in order to find parking.  For parking in the area, visit the Thomas Edison State Universtiy Parking Information webpage.

Hope to see you Monday and please bring a friend!

Kids Count Release, Meet the NJGov candidates, Thomas Edison State University 111 W. State St., Prudence Hall Trenton, NJ


Cecilia Zalkind

ACNJ has invited all gubernatorial candidates to attend and speak to the audience about the children's issues on their agenda. Click here to register for this free event.

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