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May 26, 2017
Dear Supporter: The Trump Administration’s 2018 budget proposal is an attack on child well-being, slashing funding for programs that keep kids healthy, fed and cared for across the nation and New Jersey. Our Congressional representatives are back in town next week: let them know that New Jersey’s kids need care, not cuts. Tell Congress to oppose ANY cuts to programs for kids! While our members of Congress are back in town, remind them that federal funding makes up $13 billion of New Jersey’s budget. At least 55 percent of that federal funding goes to pay for NJ FamilyCare, which provides cost-effective health insurance. Another $300 million goes to pay for healthy meals for kids and families. The Trump 2018 budget proposes huge cuts across all these programs for kids, putting New Jersey further in the red. It is critically important to note that this is simply the Administration's recommendations to Congress, and that Congress ultimately makes any final decisions regarding funding levels for the entire federal government. That means you still have time to make your voice heard. Add your voice to let Congress know, hands off Medicaid, school meals, and child nutrition! For more information on the proposed budget, check out the Children’s Budget Coalition analysis here. PLEASE call while they are home next week !! Please call! Sincerely, Cecilia Zalkind |