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June 29, 2017
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Dear Supporter:

22million lives at risk of uninsured

The Senate health care bill has been delayed -- your advocacy is working! But we can't quit now.  Both New Jersey Senators oppose the bill but we must keep the pressure on!  Please call Senators Booker and Menendez and tell them that you support their opposition to the Senate health care bill. 

SHARE YOUR STORY.  The Senators need to hear the real stories of the hundreds of thousands of New Jersey kids that will be at risk if this health bill, which makes unprecedented cuts to Medicaid, is passed. 

Bipartisan Medicaid Directors say "no amount of administrative or regulatory flexibility" can make up for the deep cuts to Medicaid which is “a successful, efficient, and cost-effective federal-state partnership. 

If the Senate bill becomes law, health care and insurance for New Jersey children will be on the chopping block. Kids need care, not cuts.

  • 838,000 children in NJ rely on Medicaid and NJ FamilyCare to visit their doctor and receive the medicine they need to be healthy.
  • Proposed cuts in Medicaid expansion would reverse New Jersey’s significant gains in making sure kids have health coverage and care.
  • This bill does not protect New Jersey kids from cuts in basic health care or disability care.

Children across New Jersey are counting on you to call Senator Booker and Senator Menendez to ensure that the Senate health care bill does not more forward. Please call today and tell them to VOTE NO on this legislation.


 Local Office Washington Office Social Media
Robert Menendez

(973) 645-3030,
(856) 757-5353


Tweet @SenatorMenendez

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Cory Booker

(973) 639-8700,
(856) 338-8922


Tweet @SenBookerOffice

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Cecilia Zalkind

Advocates for Children of New Jersey

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