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Advocates for Children of New JerseySeptember 2017     


What's Behind Newark's High Chronic Absenteeism in High School?

Nearly half (48 percent) of Newark's high schoolers were chronically absent in school year 2015-16. A new report from ACNJ  details some of the reasons behind high levels of chronic absenteeism, as well as potential promising practices that may help improve attendance.
ACNJ's report built on focus groups and interviews with high schoolers, teachers, parents and administrators throughout Newark. These conversations revealed the wide range of reasons for absences in Newark high school, including school disengagement, social-emotional health, personal safety, home life and student responsibilities outside of school.
Find out more on ACNJ's chronic absenteeism in Newark high schools.
ACNJ plans on holding a community conversation as a follow-up to its report in late September  in Newark. Stay tuned for more info!

Last call for child advocates!

Register today!

Plan to attend ACNJ's Children's Summit next week but haven't registered yet?  Sign up now.  Spots are filling up.

We hope you will join us in stepping up for kids on Sept. 12! Help elevate children's issues in the upcoming election.

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