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School Breakfast Enews

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A Great Start to School Breakfast Week!

On the first day of school breakfast week, the New Jersey Legislature took another step toward ensuring that all children begin their school day with a healthy morning meal.

The Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee on Monday approved S-1894, which would require all high-poverty schools to serve breakfast in a way that reaches at least 70 percent of low-income students. The committee recognized that this common-sense proposal does not cost state taxpayers any money and, instead, reclaims more federal dollars to feed hungry New Jersey children.

What a great way to kick off school breakfast week!

Our sincere thanks to Senator Sarlo, committee chair, and all the Committee Members who voted in favor of this measure.

The bill is set to be heard in the Assembly Education Committee next Monday, March 12, at 10 a.m.

We encourage all advocates to join us in support of school breakfast and to let our lawmakers know that fighting childhood hunger must be a top priority. Can’t make the trip to Trenton? Just email Nancy Parello at nancy@parellocomm.com and we will submit a slip in support on behalf of your organization.

More Good News...

A bill, S-1876, that would help reduce chronic absenteeism in New Jersey schools also won approval from the Senate Budget Committee. The bill requires schools to develop specific plans to respond to and reduce chronic absenteeism. This has been proven to be a successful strategy in some districts that have tackled this issue. ACNJ anticipates the bill will move switfly through the Assembly Appropriation Committee and then on to both the Assembly and Senate for a full vote.

Together, these two bills -- both top legislative priorities for ACNJ -- address critical barriers to academic success for thousands of children across New Jersey. We will keep you informed as these bills progresss.


This is a partnership of Advocates for Children of New Jersey and the New Jersey Anti-Hunger Coalition.

Contact Us

Advocates for Children of New Jersey | 35 Halsey Street 2nd Floor, Newark, NJ 07102 | 973.643.3876 | Fax 973.643.9153 | www.acnj.org

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