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June 2018


What a day for babies! Strolling Thunder New Jersey was a HUGE success
On May 21st, more than 100 babies, caregivers and advocates joined ACNJ in Trenton for a stroll in front of the State House Annex to tell Governor Murphy and the Legislature that we want them to make babies a higher state priority! That means they need to #ThinkBabies when making decisions. Read more, view pictures, and check our great news coverage.

Coming soon...Babies Count report
This July, ACNJ will be releasing a Kids Count report with a focus on New Jersey's children under age 3. ACNJ's first ever Babies Count will highlight data surrounding the need for children to have strong families, healthy starts and positive early learning experiences.


BIG WINS for New Jersey students!
Governor Murphy signed school meals and chronic absenteeism bills into law. These laws will assist students in maximizing their educational potential. Once again, ACNJ’s advocacy efforts have paid off for kids! Read more.

Testimony on Family Leave Amendments before the NJ Senate Labor Committee
ACNJ provided testimony supporting improvements and expansion of New Jersey's Family Leave Insurance. Read the full statement and news coverage.


Newark Kids Count 2018, A City Profile of Child Well-Being
Despite Newark’s progress in reducing the number of children with elevated blood lead levels, this report showed that nearly a quarter of all tested Newark children under 6 years old still have some harmful levels of lead in their blood. Read the report and check out the media coverage.

Summer Meals Spreading Across New Jersey, State Seeking 2018 Summer Meals Providers
The number of children receiving summertime nutrition continued to grow last year, and federal dollars flowing into New Jersey communities to feed hungry children rose. New Jersey communities served summer meals to nearly 95,000 children on an average day in July 2017, representing a 27 percent increase since July 2015. Read ACNJ's report.

Nourishing Our Youngest Children: How to Expand the Child Care and Adult Food Program
This new report examines the benefits and challenges of implementing the Child Care and Adult Food Program (CCAFP), while offering actionable solutions to expand this program so it reaches more young children, giving them the nutrition they need to grow and be healthy. Read more.


Peter Chen's takeaway from Newark's symposium on shifting the culture of chronic absenteeism
We may not hear much about “love” amid discussions of PARCC testing and career readiness in high schools, but as teachers and administrators listen to youth voices, they may find that high schools can learn a surprising amount from early childhood models. Read Peter's blog on how high schools need to be more like "grandma's house" to engage students and improve school attendance.

Mary Coogan weighs in on the Family First Prevention Services Act
Beginning in October 2019, states will be able to use federal funding for mental health treatment, substance use treatment, in-home parenting skills training and counselling in order to strengthen the family and prevent children from entering foster care. Read Mary's blog on federal foster care funding for prevention programs.

ACNJ welcomes two new staff members

Patricia Canning brings her advocacy experience and her project management skills to ACNJ to focus on children ages 0-3 years as the Right from the Start Campaign Coordinator. As a former management consultant, she has built a career in project management in the civic, non-profit and corporate areas. In the last 10 years, through civic engagement, she has advocated for equity in education for all children and addressed the achievement/opportunity gap for children. Patricia received an MBA from the Simon School at the University of Rochester and a BS, Industrial Engineering from Lehigh University.

Catherine Felegi joined our communications team as a staff writer. Prior to joining ACNJ, she worked for Bristol-Myers Squibb in their Commercial and Regulatory Affairs department as a Promotional Review Editor. She is a graduate of Moravian College in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, where she received her B.A. in English and a double minor in Political Science and Religion. During her free time, Catherine serves as a board member for The Elizabeth Coalition to House the Homeless and is the coordinator for award-winning Operation Warm Heart – First Presbyterian Church of Cranford chapter.

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Advocates for Children of New Jersey | 35 Halsey Street, Newark, NJ 07102 | 973.643.3876 | www.acnj.org