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Advocates for Children of New Jersey

December 21, 2018

Join the “40 For 40” ACNJ Sustaining Member Campaign

In honor of our 40th anniversary, we would like 40 of our supporters to become sustaining members. Your ongoing commitment will help ACNJ work to ensure New Jersey’s youngest residents have the chance to grow up safe, healthy and educated.

 Help us reach our goal  before the end of 2018!

Dear Supporter:

Children can’t vote. They have no political influence. That’s why ACNJ works every day to be the independent voice for children.

Zoom in for a quick view of our successes in empowering communities to be a voice for children. Click here to learn about all of ACNJ's work over the last 40 years.

By using data and research, creating strong partnerships, empowering communities and building a network of supporters, ACNJ’s vigorous advocacy delivers real-life change to thousands of New Jersey children:

  • Every year, more than 51,000 3- and 4-year olds attend high-quality, public preschool. And the numbers continue to grow. 
  • New Jersey's child uninsured rate is now at an all-time low - less than 4 percent. 
  • Through ACNJ’s KidLaw Center, thousands of parents and those helping parents, educators, attorneys, court volunteers and community members have learned important information about children and the law, including special education, school discipline, foster care and kinship care.

Investments in our children reap results. Not for just one child. But for thousands of children all over New Jersey. This year alone, ACNJ’s advocacy led to:

  • The Department of Human Services using $38 million in federal dollars to improve New Jersey’s child care system.
  • A new law enacted to mandate “breakfast after the bell” in high-poverty schools, requiring them to serve breakfast after the morning bell, reaching thousands more students. 
  • A new law enacted to focus on attendance. In schools with 10 percent or more of their students missing too many school days, schools are now required to develop action plans to combat this problem.

These are just a few of our accomplishments over the years. Click here to view the full timeline. Advocates like you helped make this happen. You now have the chance to make an even bigger impact.

Become a sustaining member today!


Cecilia Zalkind
President and CEO

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