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Advocates for Children of New Jersey

December 27, 2018

Join the “40 For 40” ACNJ Sustaining Member Campaign

In honor of our 40th anniversary, we would like 40 of our supporters to become sustaining members. Your ongoing commitment will help ACNJ work to ensure New Jersey’s youngest residents have the chance to grow up safe, healthy and educated.

 Help us reach our goal  before the end of 2018!

Dear Supporter:

Every child deserves to be in a safe, permanent home.

Zoom in for a quick view of our successes in child welfare. Click here to learn about all of ACNJ's work over the last 40 years.



Since our inception in 1978, ACNJ has always been at the forefront of child welfare, protecting children from abuse and neglect. Starting with the Child Placement Review Act, we examined systems and programs already in place, highlighting problems that needed to be fixed.

Instrumental in the creation of New Jersey’s Kinship Legal Guardianship Law and in fostering youth participation in court, ACNJ continues to advocate for all children to be have safe, permanent homes.

Advocates like you help to make this work happen. 

You can make an even bigger impact today. Join our “40 For 40” ACNJ Sustaining Member Campaign. Join the campaign today!


Cecilia Zalkind
President and CEO

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