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Advocacy Alert!

Help Feed Hungry Children with a Quick Click!

Hungry children can’t concentrate on a reading assignment or solve a math problem. Despite the proven benefits of giving kids breakfast in school, New Jersey ranks nearly last in the nation, serving just 28 percent of eligible children.

This is a problem with a do-able solution. And it won’t cost the state or local districts more money. But we need state leadership to make it happen.

Send a message today to Education Commissioner Chris Cerf, urging him to step up as a statewide leader on this issue.

Some New Jersey schools and others around the country are serving breakfast in the classroom or using other innovative approaches to ensure that all children have a nutritious start to their school day. More New Jersey districts can and should do this. Lacking, however, has been strong public support from the NJ Department of Education.

So please ask Commissioner Cerf to step up and lead us on this issue.

Send your message today! It only takes a minute to make a difference that will feed thousands of New Jersey children and help them succeed in school.


Cecilia Zalkind
Executive Director


Advocates for Children of New Jersey
 35 Halsey Street 2nd Floor, Newark, NJ 07102
(Between Bleeker St. and Central Ave.)
973.643.3876 I Fax 973.643.9153 I www.acnj.org 
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