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Advocacy Alert!

October 21, 2011

Dear Supporter:

New Jersey’s recent application for Race to the Top federal funds could lead to great improvements in the quality of child care for children across the state.

Thank Governor Christie and Acting Education Commissioner Chris Cerf for their commitment to early care and education.

If New Jersey is one of the winners, up to $60 million in federal funding would be awarded to New Jersey through the federal Race to the Top -- Early Learning Challenge. This money would help fund a system to rate and promote improvement of programs that educate and care for low-income children across New Jersey.

The grant proposal also includes statewide assessments for kindergarteners, more training for early childhood educators and stronger coordination among different state agencies that oversee early childhood care.

Please take a minute to thank our state leaders for their efforts to improve the care and education of our youngest children.


Cecilia Zalkind
Executive Director


Advocates for Children of New Jersey
 35 Halsey Street 2nd Floor, Newark, NJ 07102
(Between Bleeker St. and Central Ave.)
973.643.3876 I Fax 973.643.9153 I www.acnj.org 
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