Salsa Scoop
"There's a Force in the Universe that Makes Things Happen ..."
"There's a Force in the Universe that Makes Things Happen ..."
Submitted Mon Nov 27 2006 11:23:48 GMT-0500 (EST)
"And all you have to do is get in touch with it, stop thinking, let things happen, and be the ball your donor."
In the mood for a bit of dress-up, Katya Andresen declares today "Be Your Donor" Day.
-Call your switchboard and see what happens when you ask for help or information -Call your 800 number, if you have one, and ask some average questions and make a donation -Send an email to your nonprofit’s donor services department (if you have one) and see if you get a cordial response -See how many seconds it takes your friend to find out to donate on your web site - and to do it -Donate to your own organization so you see how your thank-yous arrive (if they arrive) and how you’re treated It could surprise you.A development office without acknowledgments is not a development office. And a donut without holes is a danish.
Force in the Universe
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