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E-xemplar: Ways to Make Legislative Campaigns Suck Less
E-xemplar: Ways to Make Legislative Campaigns Suck Less
Submitted Mon Aug 06 2007 15:51:43 GMT-0400 (EDT)
My fondness for liberals, smart people, and Wisconsin politicians (not to mention good food) aided in my decision to read the Environmental Working Group's recent email on their Organics Petition.
Even though Development Associate David (no, I didn't realize that was his title until I searched their site) once spent a good amount of a phone call laughing at my Wisconsin accent when I was trying to explain tags, I enjoy working with the EWG.
But even more notably, I enjoy well-crafted campaigns. This action nicely displays a few ways to make them suck less (albeit in the service of an uphill struggle):
Step 1: Pictures are worth a thousand words.
This video was short, energizing, and provided a terrific visual of the support already behind the bill. It's one thing to be told about an issue, but to see an example of what an organization is already doing is quite motivational. The video also exemplifies the importance of turning your Actions into opportunities for press coverage (I'm just going to tell everyone the really long petition list was printed on paper of elephant dung and make myself feel better). Value your signatures as more than just another email or potential donor and show your supporters one voice can make a difference. Note: Any visual representation of your achievements will do- just make sure to follow up with your supporters and *show* them what you're doing with their support.Step 2: Encourage your Supporters to take action (and make it easy).
Okay, I'll admit, I don't love calling people. I have to coerce my beloved male to call and reschedule appointments that I make, and well, I'll be honest, if you email or leave a message and ask me to call you about a tech issue, I'll more than likely try emailing first. Things that usually make calling my legislators easier and/or less traumatizing:-
I write out a shorter and more colloquial version of the talking points for myself.
I call after office hours so that I can talk to a machine (mmm... machines). I assume/hope they count my messages.
I identify myself and my address and say thank you at the end of the call.
Our organic campaign
Banollim Pizza
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